Schedule & Prices
xxxxx The registrations will open at 08:00 pm on 25/11/2024xxxxx
► NapleSummerTangoMarathon - Salone Margherita - Naples◄
============ ►PROGRAM◄ ============
■ Thursday 19 June 2024
- 10:00 pm NSTM
pre-marathon (Open to all) Tj 1
- 11:00 pm pasta time (no stop music)
- 2:00 am last tanda
■ Friday 20 June
- 3:00 pm - Opening
- 5:00 pm - - Officially start NSTM - Tj 2 ……........ - 9:30 pm - STOP MUSIC & DINNER : TRADITIONAL FOOD - 11:00 pm - NSTM - Tj 3………................. -
2:30 am – Croissant time - 3:30 am - Last Tanda
■ Saturday 21 June
Free morning and early afternoon for city tour on request
- 5:00 pm - NSTM- Tj 4…………………………………… - 9: 30 pm - STOP MUSIC - DINNER : TRADITIONAL Foods - 11:00 pm - NSTM - Tj 5……………………………………. - 2:30 am - Croissants time! - 3:30 am - Last Tanda
■ Sunday 22 June
- 12:00 am MATINEE - NSTM – TJ 6…………. - 01,30 pm - No STOP MUSIC - BRUNCH - 4:00 pm - NSTM - Tj 7 …………… - 8:30 pm - Let's toast! - 9:00 pm - NSTM officially ends
- 9:30 pm - After-party (Open to all) - NSTM - TJ 8………….
- 11:30 pm - Pasta Time ( no stop music)
- 2:00 am - Last tanda after party
== ►PRICES◄ ==
"All inclusive" cost is € 160,00 / person (couples only) and includes:
✔■ 1 Milonga Pre-Marathon ✔■ 1 Milonga Matinée ✔■ 1 Milonga After-Party ✔■ Water, coffee, savory and sweet buffet with biscuits, sodas, snacks, juices and fruit , during the marathon ✔■ 2 Dinners and 1 brunch with culinary surprise (included wine and water)OPTION B:
"Only marathon" cost without dinners and brunch : 120 € / person (couples only) included:
✔■ 1 Milonga Pre-Marathon ✔■ 1 Milonga Matinée✔■ 1 Milonga After-Party
✔■ Water, coffee, savory and sweet buffet with biscuits, sodas, snacks, juices, fruit during the marathon
EACH MEAL (DINNER or BRUNCH) wine and water included, COSTS €20 TO BE BOOKED AT THE DESK.
============ ►PROGRAMMA◄ ============
■ Giovedì 19 giugno 2024 - 22:00 NSTM pre-maratona (Aperta a tutti) Tj 1 - 23:00 pasta time (musica no stop) - 2:00 ultima tanda
■ Venerdì 20 giugno - 15:00 - Apertura registrazioni - 17:00 - - Inizio ufficiale NSTM - Tj 2 - 21:30 - STOP MUSIC & DINNER: CIBO TRADIZIONALE - 23:00 - NSTM - Tj 3 - 2:30 - Croissant time! - 3:30 - Ultima Tanda
■ Sabato 21 giugno Mattinata libera e primo pomeriggio per tour della città su richiesta - 17:00 - NSTM- Tj 4 - 21: 30 - STOP MUSIC - CENA: CIBO TRADIZIONALE - 23:00 - NSTM - Tj 5 - 2:30 - È ora dei croissant! - 3:30 - Ultima Tanda
■ Domenica 22 giugno - 11:30 / 15:30 MATINEE - NSTM - Tj 6 - 16:00 pm - NSTM - Tj 7 - 20:30 - Brindiamo! - 21:00 - NSTM termina ufficialmente - 21:30 - After-party (aperto a tutti) - NSTM - TJ 8 - 23:00 - Pasta Time (musica no stop) - 2:00 - Ultima tanda after party
== ►COSTI◄ ==
OPZIONE A : Il costo "tutto incluso" è di € 160 /persona (solo coppie) e include: ✔■ 1 Milonga Pre-Maratona ✔■ 1 Milonga Matinée ✔■ 1 Milonga After-Party ✔■ Acqua, caffè, buffet salato e dolce con biscotti, bibite, snack, succhi e frutta, durante la maratona ✔■ 2 Cene con sorpresa culinaria e 1 brunch inclusi vino e acqua
OPZIONE B: Costo "Solo maratona" senza cene e brunch: € 120 / persona (solo coppie) incluso: ✔■ 1 Milonga Pre-Maratona ✔■ 1 Milonga Matinée ✔■ 1 Milonga After-Party ✔■ Acqua, caffè, buffet salato e dolce con biscotti, bibite, snack, succhi, frutta durante la maratona